Five Signs Your Romantic Spark Has Faded

5 Signs YourRomantic SparkHas FadedFor Introverted WomenThese 5 signs will put the spark and intimacy and communication back in your romantic relationship, which will give you relief from heartache.

Navigating Conversations With Self Love

Navigating Conversations With Self LoveTHE ONLINE COURSEWHAT IF YOU COULD...Find your voice and express your feelings and needsSpeak your truth with confidenceSet boundaries that your partner respectsBecome more compassionateFeel more loved and understoodWake up

Pacific Northwest Coloring

COLORING AND JOURNALING Learn All About Our New Coloring And Journaling BookAdult Coloring and Journaling

Five Steps To Healthy Boundaries

5 Steps TO HEALTHY BOUNDARIESAll of us have that one person who causes us to take a deep breath before answering their call. A person who, despite them being a family member, friend, co-worker, or neighbor, just seems to make things difficult every time they interact with you. Maybe it is your mother-in-law, known as the “well-oiled guilt machine”, or your boss, who just doesn’t

Healthy Work Life Balance

Healthy work life balanceWith an ever-growing number of internet companies, 24-hour businesses, and an instant gratification mentality, having a healthy work-life balance in a career today seems like

Finding Forgiveness And Growth In The Trials Of Life

Finding Forgiveness and Growth in the Trials of lifeFinding Forgiveness and Growth in the Trials of LifeSome days, life is filled with rainbows and sunshine. And some days, it feels like life has

5 Ways To Accelerate Personal Growth

5 Ways to Accelerate PERSONAL GROWTHPersonal growth is a vital component to living a life you love. Growing relationally, emotionally, and spiritually is just as important for adults as growing physically is for

4 Ways To Increase Self Love In Your Life

4 Ways to INCREASE SELF LOVE IN YOUR LIFE4 Ways to Increase Self Love in Your LifeIn recent years, many of us have been bombarded with the terms “self

Happiness Then Success

Which Came First Happiness Or SuccessHow Achieving Happiness First Can Bring About the Success You DesireAccording to research and science, our present day thoughts regarding happiness and success are backwards. Today’s nonstop, multi-tasking,

How To Find The Right Counselor

How To find the Right Counselor For youWhat to expect at your first appointment.​Are you considering seeking therapy? Have you been searching for counselors in your area that might be able to help

Couples Counseling Can Help Your Relationship

Couples TherapyCan help your relationship​Can marriage counseling help you and your partner reconnect? Every relationship you encounter in life will require work, and the relationship with your partner or spouse

Postpartum Depression And How Talk Therapy Can Help

POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION And How Talk Therapy Can Help​Throughout our life, most of us will see and hear beautiful stories of childbirth. In today’s world of social media, a picture of a perfectly posed baby alongside a glowing mother often accompanies these stories. What we don’t hear about as often, unfortunately, is